Episode 40 - The Kavanagh Sisters Skip to content

Episode 40

Coming Out the Other Side!

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March 15th, 2022

Welcome back everyone to our first podcast in almost 2 years.  As life is returning to some semblance of normality, we felt it was time to ease back into our work. The reason we stood back from social media for so long was purely about self-preservation.  We all realised quickly into the pandemic, that we were each feeling triggered by all the restrictions that were in place and so, to protect ourselves and our mental health, we felt social media, podcasts and our website was too difficult for us to manage as we each retreated into our own form of survival mode. 

Because the pandemic had such an impact on us, we decided we would use our first podcast to share our experience of covid with you in the hope you might find it helpful. Because although no one on this planet has not been impacted by covid to varying degrees, we believe victims of childhood sexual abuse would have found covid and all the restrictions particularly triggering but may not make the connection to their abuse.

It’s important to know you are not alone and what you feel is ok and completely normal.  We welcome all feedback or suggestions on topics you would like us to cover in the coming months.

Take Care 

Joyce, June & Paula xxx

Website Designed by Paula Kavanagh