Helpful Resources for Survivours of CSA | Skip to content

Helpful Resources

The Worthfulness Program

The Worthfulness Program is a transformative six-week self-guided online journey designed for teen and pre-teen girls all over the world. 

Each week, girls are introduced to a rich blend of empowering concepts and practical tools, fostering a week-long immersion in learning, reflection, practice, and observation.

With over 20 powerful tools, the program instils daily habits that provide lifelong benefits. These tools are especially invaluable as girls navigate life’s challenges, equipping them with ways to build resilience and inner strength.

What an amazing programme!

This programme has the opportunity to transform the negative internal dialogue and external messages that young girls have to navigate, providing the tools that can bring about lifelong positive changes and empower girls to steer their own lives in a direction that is filled with possibilities.

                                            The Kavanagh Sisters

Through our process of healing from childhood sexual abuse we believe we have discovered our life’s purpose and that is to help other survivors of sexual abuse.

Childhood sexual abuse is probably the only crime where victims take responsibility for what happened to them. With this in mind we appreciate the importance of victims becoming informed of all the ways the abuse impacts them and just how these impacts can manifest in their life.

Over the coming year, we aim to produce a number of free ebooks with information that will serve to inform survivors, helping reduce the pain and suffering that sexual abuse causes.  These Ebooks will ensure that the information is easily accessible to all survivors, their family, friends and professionals who provide them with support.

In our latest book ‘Why Go Back? 7 Steps to Healing from Childhood Sexual Abuse,’ we take a much more detailed look at each of the topics we cover in these free eBooks.

We believe that healing can only occur if you fully understand how abuse alters your thoughts and behaviors. When armed with the right information you can indeed overcome anything.

Our Free Ebook Collection

Click over title to download booklet 

In our experience the hardest impacts of abuse to uncover and identify are the psychological impacts, making this crime extremely difficult to put behind you and move on with your life. With this in mind, we have developed this free ebook for you. 

We believe that we endured years of unnecessary suffering because we didn’t possess the information in this ebook when our healing journey began. We could have saved ourselves a lot of unnecessary pain and heartache had we known.

Click over the title to download booklet

Although anger is a completely normal emotion, for those of us who have experienced childhood sexual abuse if can often be feared or badly expressed.  We can struggle to express how we feel and use anger as a way of pushing people away.

We have put together this booklet to assist you in gaining a clearer understanding of the various types of anger. We hope that by the inclusion of our own personal experiences with coping with anger we can help you let go of the destructive elements of that anger.

Click over the booklet title to download 

Although most of us are familiar with the term PTSD from either the news or in war movies, the perception has been that this disorder is only suffered by war veterans. 

Today however, there are many more people being diagnosed with either PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) or C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) who have experienced child abuse.

 Looking at the symptoms of this disorder and seeing how it manifested in our lives we hope will go some way to helping others to see how it may have or be influencing their lives.

Rehab 4 Addiction was established in 2012 by Oliver Clark and an advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction.

Rehab 4 Addiction is a trading name owned by ADT Healthcare Ltd and operates as a FREE information, advisory and referral service for those seeking addiction treatment options throughout the UK and abroad.

We offer free advice on both private and free services and give a selection of treatment options to help you make an informed choice, so you can choose treatment for you or your loved one’s specific needs.

We work closely with rehabilitation centres and outpatient clinics throughout the United Kingdom and the admissions team matches your addiction with an appropriately placed rehabilitation centre.  We work with private rehabilitation centres, the NHS and even a number of ‘luxury rehabilitation’ centres abroad.   


For 20 years, Patty battled drastic weight fluctuations and thought it prevented her from having romantic relationships. Desperate to break the cycle and open herself to love, at age 38 she found a therapist specializing in eating disorders. She believed Patty’s weight was a symptom of a much deeper issue, her childhood sexual abuse, and only by resolving it could she have the love I wanted.

Over the next 12 years Patty worked with her therapist and EMDR, a chiropractor to release trapped “fight or flight” responses, a sex therapist and group therapy for sexual abuse.

Patty published Not That Girl Anymore, a memoir about the alternative therapies she explored in the hopes of undoing the ruin within to claim the happiness she – and everyone else struggling with trauma – deserves.


Period pain can feel like an unwelcome encroachment on your daily life. It takes grit to carry on with routine tasks whilst managing the grips of menstrual cramps, and sometimes you may not want to (or be able to).

For some, period pain is often shrugged off as just a part of life. But, when it hampers your daily activities, seeking professional advice is key to getting answers and finding relief.


Understanding PTSD and the many approaches to its treatment can be overwhelming. That’s why this guide was written and medically reviewed by nurses who have worked with PTSD patients. Topics covered include:

  • Causes of PTSD
  • Symptoms PTSD patients may experience
  • Specialized care and treatment options, including therapy and medication
  • Supportive services for PTSD
  • Common challenges in PTSD care
  • Additional PTSD resources  


Live Another Day was created as a response to the unprecedented increase in substance abuse, mental illness, and deaths resulting from the pandemic. We’re a small, tight-knit group of business professionals and clinicians, many of us are in recovery ourselves.

This recently published data-driven piece on ‘Preventing Self-harm in Teens: A Guide for Appropriate Intervention’ will aid you in understanding the concealment of self-harm among teens. The guide covers:

  • The reasons why teens do self-harm.  
  • Some acts that can be considered self-harm. 
  • Signs and long-term risks of untreated self-harming behaviours.
  • Strategies loved ones can do.
  • Utilizing school support system and support organizations.

Often, teens deny their engagement in self-harming behaviour by concealing their activities. We found that 13 years old is the average age of the first incident of self-harm.  


What Is Financial Abuse?

Financial abuse occurs in up to 98% of abusive relationships and is one of the top reasons that it is difficult for people to leave. Unfortunately, many people do not even recognize financial abuse as abuse. To address this prevalent issue and provide the necessary education on this topic, we recently created a guide covering:  

* What financial abuse is.
* The warning signs
* Ways to tell if someone is being financially abused
* Helpful resources and more.

What is financial/economic abuse and what does it look like?

Financial/economic abuse is when one intimate partner has control over the other partner’s ability to access, acquire, use or maintain economic resources, which diminishes the victim’s capacity to support themselves and forces intentioned dependence. Economic abuse is cited as the main reason victims stay or return to abusive relationships. 

We all know how the internet has unlocked a whole new world for us and our children. However, while the internet has so many good things to offer, there is also a dark side.  Recognizing these threats is the first step to protecting you and your children.

The Internet Advisors have put together this ultimate internet safety guide that includes all the information about the latest threats lurking out there on the internet. This guide will help you implement effective strategies to keep you, and your children safe while on the web.

Read more…



Our team has put together some stats about the dangers that kids face when they go online. We have also outlined some of the best ways you can make sure your children stay safe when they’re browsing the wide world of the web.



Mental health disorders can have a seismic effect on the lives of individuals as well as families, friends, loved ones, and the community at large. The need for guidance can be overwhelming, and while there are many great resources available, there is also a lot of misinformation—about every type of disorder.

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive resource of trustworthy information to individuals with mental health diagnoses, their loved ones, and medical professionals looking to gain a more complete understanding of various disorders.   

read more…..  


Click on the title to go directly to the guide 

The “Me Too” movement, which focuses on the experiences of sexual violence survivors, has earned a large response precisely because sexual harassment and sexual assault impact people every day. By sharing their own experiences, the movement’s proponents hope to show just how common sexual harassment is. The hope is that, if people are more aware of sexual harassment and how casually it is sometimes treated, then tolerance for it will decrease and support for victims will rise.

This guide from Maryville University Online will help you to understand the origins of the Me Too movement, the facts about sexual harassment, and the options available for someone who has been sexually harassed.

Safe Harbor is a 24/7 residential and faith-based program that empowers women toward healing and equips them with life skills for quality living.  Providing a safe place for women who find themselves at the intersection of substance abuse and various kinds of trauma, including:

  • ​Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse
  • Domestic Violence
  • Prostitution/Trafficking
  • Homelessness

Many people have a misconception that only veterans get PTSD, but other groups suffer. Victims of sexual violence or natural disasters struggle with PTSD. More and more victims of sexual violence are coming forward because of the #MeToo movement, and extreme weather is making natural disasters more frequent and more severe.

Safe Harbour have created a PTSD Self-Assessment Tool to help you measure the presence and severity of PTSD symptoms.


Over 17 million Americans suffer from depression, and while depression can often disrupt sleep, lack of sleep has also been shown to worsen symptoms of depression.

We have created a resource that explains this reciprocal relationship, while also providing helpful tips and different therapies people can use for sleeping better with depression. 


According to the CDC, 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental illness this year, and up to 80% of those will develop sleep-related disorders.

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, we recently published a comprehensive mental health and sleep guide which provides tips and advice from medical doctors on how to get a better night’s rest. 



A Guide to Prevention and Intervention  created by Rider University Online.

Rider University Online have created a guide to help prevent and intervene in a situation of domestic abuse or violence. This guide also includes valuable tips on how to spot the signs of abuse, risk and protective factors, information on how to talk about abuse and how to empower someone in a dangerous situation and finally, ways to access help and salvation.


Asana Recovery is a treatment facility with a different approach then you will see at other treatment facilities providing an exceptional healing environment for every client. Our mission and our vision guide our purpose. Our core values guide how we achieve that purpose. Our amazing staff embrace these values and turn them into a life-changing experience for our clients.

Two-thirds of children will experience trauma by the age of 16.  That means 6 out of every 10 children you know will deal with the effects of trauma.

These traumas lead to mental and physical health problems, including a higher rate of substance abuse, obesity, cancer, heart disease, and poor grades in school.   Early treatment is key.

Our 2020 Guide to Understanding the Impacts of Childhood Trauma is a good starting place to learn more about the issue.  Discover the signs to look for and what steps you can take to help a child recover from a traumatic event.


SoCal Sunrise Recovery Centre

Is a mental health and drug treatment facility. We offer a mix of the scientifically proven traditional treatment model and evidence-based holistic methods. The primary goal of detoxification is to stabilize your system as comfortably as possible. This may be done using prescribed medications, lots of rest, diet, and holistic calming techniques. These holistic treatments include aromatherapy, guided meditation, mind-body therapies, creative arts therapies, Reiki and yoga.

We’ve created a resource page on addiction and homelessness to educate people on this issue and provide insight on ways to help the homeless in their community.

Addiction and Homelessness



Social media can have many positive aspects however, research has shown that too much use can result in long-term negative mental health issues. Some negative aspects include cyberbullying, lowered self-esteem, and increased feelings of depression and isolation.

Webserv have created a resource page on social media addiction to not only educate users on the negative aspects of social media, but also as a helpful tool for families and teens to use, who heavily rely on these platforms for approval and validation.


Understanding PTSD

PTSD is difficult to understand and explain, especially for someone who’s experiencing it. That’s why we created this guide, which was medically reviewed by our internal pharmacists for safety and accuracy, to educate people on what post-traumatic stress disorder is, and how it might be affecting our loved ones. Topics covered include:
 Symptoms and causes of PTSD

  • What PTSD feels like
  • Who is at risk of PTSD
  • How to treat and overcome PTSD


A Single Mother

A Single Mother website is developed as a useful resource to help financially struggling single mothers with finding grants and government assistance programs. Our service is free of cost.


Addiction Group  

Almost 21 million Americans have at least one addiction, yet only 10% of them receive treatment. This is why Addiction Group was founded. 

Addiction Group is dedicated to help individuals suffering from substance abuse and prevent new cases through credible information and spreading awareness to as many as we can reach. Every fact-based piece of content is written by journalists or medical professionals. Also, we have no affiliations to any rehab centers, we aren’t sponsored, and we display no advertisements on our website. 

PTSD is one of the most difficult mental illnesses to face, and often can’t be overcome without help. A lot of people who suffer from it need inpatient treatment, where they can receive mental rehabilitation, as well as be treated for any substance issues.

The issue is many people don’t know how to go about getting treatment, often feeling overwhelmed. 



Fiscal Tiger is a financial health website mostly but occasionally we write about the intersections between financial health and personal well-being.

In 2020 we created a financial resource for survivors and victims of domestic violence. “Financial Support Resources for Domestic Violence Survivors”. This resource contains a list of every potential financial resource to help individuals to find the support they need.


Alcohol Rehab Help is an informational web guide created for people struggling with alcohol use disorders (AUD) and co-occurring mental health disorders. Not only do we offer information on Alcohol Use Disorder, but we also have comprehensive information regarding treatment options. 

  • We provide free resources and information to help struggling individuals & families get their lives back on track.
  • Our website does not host any form of advertisement. 
  • All content published on Alcohol Rehab Help is fact-based and original. It is all sourced from current scientific research, ensuring content is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date with current research and addiction terminology. 


Domestic Violence Resource Guide 

This guide provides essential information regarding domestic violence. It includes resources to help domestic violence victims and survivors. Tips for individuals who want to help victims as well as domestic violence statistics that will inform and possibly surprise you. 


Addiction Rehab Center’s (“ARC”) story is based on discontentment with the failure of the addiction treatment industry.  When 95% of individuals relapse or fail within one year of completing residential treatment and young individuals are overdosing at alarming rates, the team at ARC said “there has to be a better way”.  

We developed a model and philosophy engulfed with love, compassion and community.  These three components are the cornerstone of allowing an individual the opportunity to address core underlying issues that prevent them from being able to maintain long-term sobriety and wellness.  Our program is a journey of addressing underlying core issues rather than a “crash course” on the 12 steps.  

Family and community are at the forefront of every facet of ARC’s program.  Our primary goal is to demonstrate genuine authentic love and compassion for every patient until they are able to provide these qualities for themselves.  By providing a model for loving secure attachments and addressing painful core issues such as co-dependency, shame, abandonment and abuse, the patient has the opportunity to re-define learned dysfunctional patterns and definitions and thus begin to develop self-love. 


Sleep plays a crucial role in managing anxiety, and it is essential to prioritize restful sleep as part of any anxiety treatment plan.

The guide covers:

  • The relationship between anxiety and sleep.
  • Types of anxiety and how they may impact rest.
  • Common sleep disorders associated with anxiety and how to combat them
  • Resources for sleeping well with anxiety.


Navigating Child Sex Abuse

The family and friends who surround children that have been victimized can be shellshocked that this can happen to someone they love. That’s why we wanted to make a guide on navigating child sex abuse, which includes information on signs of abuse, how we can prevent it, how victims can seek justice, read more……


Drug and alcohol addiction can lead to various health complications. These include serious oral health problems and complications. 

Unless you stop taking these substances and receive help, you’re at risk of staying in a cycle of deteriorating health. In this article, we discuss the different effects of abusing nicotine, alcohol, and drugs and how each one affects your oral health.


60% of young people (aged 18-24) have felt so stressed by the pressure to succeed that they’ve felt overwhelmed or unable to cope, according to a survey by the Mental Health Foundation.

We share how to spot the signs of burnout in teens and how you can support them through it.


Website Designed by Paula Kavanagh